Upspiration session – Concept X
Hideaways fuel the brain, which in turn results in inspiring discussions and insights. With this in mind, we joined forces with Upgrade Academy to organise an Upspiration session at Prullenbos - a forest by a lake - where we basked in the winter sun before throwing ourselves into a brainstorming session.
We invited ten business leaders and immersed them into a new concept we have been working on for a while now at Upgrade Estate.
This “Concept X” will be announced to the general public around the summer, but we wanted to test it against the vision and ideas of the business leaders, stakeholders and staff attending the event. Why, you ask? Well, first of all, because at Upgrade Academy we bring together our stakeholders to inspire each other and exchange knowledge. Secondly, because we like to optimise our concepts by testing them with the target group.
We covered the walls of the Boskabanne- a large cabin in Prullenbos - with Post-its, did customer journey mapping, inspired each other on a range of topics and bombarded the participants with questions. At the end of the session, we gave free reign to our imagination and used LEGO blocks to further analyse the concept and give it a more concrete form.
We returned home with plenty of new insights and ideas, not to mention an energy boost which will allow us to further shape the project. We’ve got a busy few months ahead...
Keen to find out more about our new concept? Keep an eye on our website to keep track of all the latest news from Upgrade Estate.