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Governance Upgrade Estate


Management Team

Our 8-member management team deals with operational and cross-departmental issues.  
Together, they determine the vision & strategy for the coming years.

Koenraad Belsack
Sofie Liekens
Chief Happiness Officer
Nele Van Damme
Jean-Marie Vanderstichele
Chief Financial Officer
Diederik Van Neste
Chief Property Officer
Wouter Blomme
Chief Development Officer
Nils Vanhauwaert
Chief Commercial Officer
Stein Van Stichel
Chief Information Officer
Management team Upgrade Estate

V.l.n.r.: Koenraad Belsack (CEO), Sofie Liekens (Chief Happiness Officer), Nele Van Damme (CEO), Jean-Marie Vanderstichele (Chief Financial Officer), Stein Van Stichel (Chief Information Officer), Diederik Van Neste (Chief Property Officer), Nils Vanhauwaert (Chief Commercial Officer).

Board of Directors

In order to further develop our sustainable growth strategy, we engaged several experts who together form the Board of Directors. Together with these independent external directors, we want to answer strategic questions and help shape our future.


Nele Van Damme


Koenraad Belsack


Wim Wuyts
Externe bestuurder


Jan De Bondt
Externe bestuurder


Kurt Verweire
Externe bestuurder

Wim Wuyts

  • CEO of WTS Global, a global network of tax consultants.
  • Expertise in Tax & Legal with a clear focus on paradoxes and integrity issues.
  • Active as Programme Director of the flagship General Management Programme at CEDEP, the renowned executive education club in Fontainebleau, France.
Wim Wuyts

Jan De Bondt

  • Executive In Residence at Vlerick Business School.

  • Financial expertise thanks to his career at major players such as Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers and Société Générale. He takes up an advisory role at Consortium Advisory Partners and at his own consulting company Kossaat.

Jan De Bondt

Kurt Verweire

  • Vlerick Partner and Professor at Vlerick Business School.
  • Professor Verweire is an expert in supporting companies in the formulation and implementation of their strategy. He has developed numerous frameworks that provide the right insights to achieve better performance with a successful strategy.
Kurt Verweire