Keynote Anneke Valk: Understanding each other better, every period of the month (NL)
The Plectrum (Upoffiz - Loop5) - Amelia Earhartlaan 8, 9000 Ghent | 7.30pm | For stakeholders
Did you know that women's hormonal cycle affects not only their daily lives, but also those of their partners, colleagues and friends? This keynote by Anneke Valk takes a fresh look at the female hormonal cycle and why it is important for both women and men to understand it. It is not just about discomforts, but also opportunities: by talking openly about biological processes, we can better support each other, at home and in the workplace. It will not be a standard session on (peri)menopause, but a practical approach to how the cycle affects well-being, work and relationships in all age groups.
Practical info:
- When? 12 February 2025 - 7.30pm
- Where? The Plectrum - Amelia Earhartlaan 8, Ghent