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Friday, 29 November 2019 |

Lecture – How China wins without fighting

Upgrade Academy presents: The Technological Cold War - How China wins without fighting and why it concerns us all. Brought by Tom Van De Weghe.   

The Upgrade Academy is an offline forum where Upgrade Estate partners get the chance to meet, inspire, innovate, share experiences and exchange knowledge. Every month we organize numerous activities for our colleagues, Upkot students, Upkot coaches, investors, contractors, etc.

Many Upgrade stakeholders eagerly awaited the lecture by Tom Van de Weghe. Tom is an acclaimed investigative journalist, a foreign specialist for VRT and a childhood friend of both of our Believers Koenraad & Nele. From 2007 to 2012, he reported on various topics as an Asia correspondent. He reported, amongst others, on the most important events of the 2008 Olympic Games, the transfer of power from North Korea. But also about the earthquakes in Sichuan, the unrest in both Tibet and Myanmar and Thailand and the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. An impressive track record. 


Tom Van de Weghe


During the lecture on 13 November 2019, Tom gave us an insight into the Technological Cold War in China. More specific about how China wins without fighting and how this concerns us all. He covered 3 major topics: yesterday’s China, China nowadays and China of the future. 


The part on yesterday’s China extensively discussed how Tom, as a foreign correspondent for VRT News, experienced what it means to work as a journalist in China. China today covered the current impact on daily life in China, the freedom of the press in the country itself, but also on news flows from the country. He concluded with China of the future, namely how China is working on a worldwide media expansion and how this could possibly have an impact on our own lives. 


Tom Van de Weghe

Tom's words and findings made the entire room think. A number of fascinating questions from the audience followed, which were answered in detail. Afterwards the attendees were invited to join the reception for a drink. The ideal opportunity to talk about the impressive keynote. 


Tom Van de Weghe


Thank you very much, Tom Van de Weghe. Food for thought!